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Viburnum japonicum 'Superb'
Viburnum japonicum 'Superb'
Viburnum japonicum 'Superb'
Viburnum japonicum 'Superb'

Viburnum japonicum 'Superb'

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Superb Japanese Viburnum. The name "Viburnum japonicum" has been banded about for years. Even in college I learned Viburnum awabuki as Viburnum japonicum. Often when an experienced nurseryman sees this plant on our grounds, he or she does not know what it really is. John Frierson, plantsman/nurseryman from Lexington, SC, has had this species as one of his favorites through the years. If one is ever around Columbia, SC, and sees this plant in the landscape of a Hardees or Wendy's, one can rest assured that John Frierson designed and planted it. Frankly, I think that it is one of the most handsome evergreen Viburnums. Its growth habit is probably slightly broader than high, but can reach to 6-8'. On one of my trips to Japan, I saw this selection in a small specialty plant nursery. Even though I knew the species, I knew by the price and by being in this nursery that it had to be something special. It truly is an improvement on the species with somewhat larger leaves and a 4-5" wide flower head (cyme). The leaves are a dark lustrous green and are up to 3" wide and 5-6" long, with an almost entire margin. This is by far the most attractive evergreen viburnum that I have seen in flower, as one can see by the photos.  

Zones 7-9