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Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' PP27549' / Proven Winner® Color Choice® LIL' DITTY®
Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' PP27549' / Proven Winner® Color Choice® LIL' DITTY®
Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' PP27549' / Proven Winner® Color Choice® LIL' DITTY®
Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' PP27549' / Proven Winner® Color Choice® LIL' DITTY®

Viburnum cassinoides 'SMNVCDD' PP27549' / Proven Winner® Color Choice® LIL' DITTY®

Regular price $22.00 Sale

Lil' Ditty Viburnum. This new dwarf viburnum is said to resemble a cream-white "puffball" when in flower with its fragrant blooms in spring. Growing only 1-2' high this cultivar is great for foundation planting or ideal for massing. It is truly amazing with its wide climatic range. Since it will grow in zone 3, I was supposing that it would not take our heat, but with days on end of upper 90's and low 100's it has thrived in full sun. Most viburnums are self infertile, so if one wants fruit, a Viburnum nudum can be planted close by and bees can do their work to produce berries which start out green and then turn from pink to red to blue, making a wonderful winter source food for birds. 

Zones 3-8