Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Rose Supreme'
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Pink Flowering Japanese Hydrangea Vine. This is a pink flowering form of this species which resembles the well known Climbing Hydrangea, but does much better in the Deep South than Hydrangea petiolaris. The colder your climate, the pinker the bracts will be. When I first saw reference to a pink flowering form of this species, my immediate reaction was, "Oh no! Not another one of those so-called pink flowering plants that really aren't pink." But this one is really pink and we have had it flower even as small as a 3 gallon container, which is quite a bit different from the Climbing Hydrangea that might take 20 years or longer before one might see flowers. It flowers and climbs like the species with aerial roots, and it will attach itself to any textural surface, such as a brick wall or a wood fence. Native to Japan.
Zones 5-8