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Quercus virginiana
Quercus virginiana
Quercus virginiana
Quercus virginiana
Quercus virginiana

Quercus virginiana

Regular price $24.00 Sale

Live Oak. This plant hardly needs a description to those who have visited the Deep South, particularly the Coastal Plain. It has to be one of the most stately plants of the New World. The wood is extremely hard and was used as rubs in older sailing ships. Since it never develops and tall trunk, it is not used for lumber. Several old specimens growing near Charleston, SC, are thought to be landmarks for native Americans before Columbus discovery. Because of its hard wood it is quite resistant to breaking even in severe hurricanes and it is also salt tolerant, so it survives coastal flooding during hurricanes as well. Initially, it grows off far faster than most anticipate: easily 2' a year. But, give it plenty of space, as it eventually will get broader than high. Site your plant well away from structures so as to give it plenty of growing space.

Zones 7-10