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Illicium lanceolatum
Illicium lanceolatum

Illicium lanceolatum

Regular price $28.00 Sale

Lance-leaf Illicium. This Chinese species is so similar to Illicium henryi that I dare one to tell them apart unless side-by-side. It is almost impossible. It has lanceolate narrow leaves up to six inches. Flowers are a medium to deep pint on 1-2 inch pedicels in the axils of the previous year's growth. They are a deeper pink than I. henryi and slightly smaller. Here in mid zone 8, I would recommend planting it in filtered sun or morning sun and afternoon shade. But in zone 7, it has been observed thriving in full sun even in dry years. 8-10 feet would be the expected height with slightly less width. DEER RESISTANT!!! As with all species in this genus, we have never seen a deer touch them, not even to brows the foliage. Really a stunning shrub. At least zone 7, but I suspect it is more cold hardy than that. 

Zones 7-9