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Habranthus robustus

Habranthus robustus

Regular price $10.00 Sale

Pink Rain Lily. This is one of the larger flowers of the "rain lilies" at 2-2.5 inches and is a native to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, but it has naturalized in many mild areas around the world. It can be grown rather easily from seed or as the bulbs offset, they can be easily divided. It reseeds itself in place where ever it is planted. Its leaves are flat and bluish (glaucous) in color since they are coated with a waxy bloom. This is one of the easier bulbs to grow and it does well in part to full sun. They also have the characteristic of other rain lilies (Zephyranthes sp.) where after a dry spell, will come up with flowers overnight after one gets a good rain. The soft pink flowers closely resemble those of the Zephyranthes rain lilies and can start occurring from late spring well into fall. Botanists say that one of the few difference between Zephyranthes and Habranthus is that the flowers of Zephyranthes face directly upward; whereas, those of Habranthus will angle slightly outward. The pots you will receive will contain multiple bulbs. For those who grow in climates colder than zone 7b, this species makes wonderful pot plants.

Zones 7b-11