During March, April and May, due to our high order volume, it may take 2 - 3 weeks to ship your order. Due to the severe winter weather conditions, we may delay shipping to some states. We are monitoring the national weather forecasts and will notify you if your order is delayed due to the weather. Thank you for your patience.

Deutzia 'Magician'
Deutzia 'Magician'
Deutzia 'Magician'

Deutzia 'Magician'

Regular price $20.00 Sale

Magician Deutzia.  this is the deepest pink of the deutzias and easily one of the showiest with its 3" panicles of bright rose pink flowers. The 3-4" long leaves tends to be considerably more attractive than most deutzias. For us it flowers in mid April and makes a spectacular display of deep rose-pink flowers. It will probably reach 5-6' in height with an equal spread. Give full to part sun for best bloom, and if it needs pruning, cut it back just after it flowers, that way it can recover in plenty of time to set flower buds for the following year.

Zones 5-9