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Chionanthus retusus
Chionanthus retusus
Chionanthus retusus
Chionanthus retusus
Chionanthus retusus

Chionanthus retusus

Regular price $28.00 Sale

Chinese Graybeard of Chinese Fringe Tree. This magnificent plant is the Asian counterpart to our native Chionanthus virginicus, or Grancy Graybeard. But, it makes a much larger specimen. It is native to both Japan and China, and I have seen grooves of it in its native habitat with trunks up to 18 in. in diameter, 30 ft. tall with an equal spread. When customers come into our retail shopping for a dogwood, most leave with this plant instead, because it does much better in full sun than a dogwood and it doesn't have the disease problems that most often accompany dogwood. Once established it is nearly indestructible. 

Zones 4-9