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Viburnum setigerum
Viburnum setigerum
Viburnum setigerum
Viburnum setigerum
Viburnum setigerum

Viburnum setigerum

Regular price $22.00 Sale

Tea Viburnum. Tea Viburnum or Viburnum setigerum is a "berrying" machine. Here in the Deep South I have not seen better berry production on a Viburnum than on this species. It will even reach the point of gaudiness, which is great for us "plant-nuts." The berries are a dark shiny red with an slightly elongated shape. My thoughts here is that this species must surely be self-fertile, unlike most Viburnums which need another clone for cross-pollination, because we only have this clone on the nursery. But there other species, such as Viburnum plicatum, which may serve to pollinated this species. Some of you may have something to add to this impression. Flowers are not overly showy, but are noticeable. Leaves are 6" or longer, dark bluish-green, deciduous and have a distinct hanging appearance. When groups visit us in the fall, we get more attention from this plant than almost any other. Native to central China.

Zones 5-8