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Spiraea vanhouttei
Spiraea vanhouttei
Spiraea vanhouttei
Spiraea vanhouttei

Spiraea vanhouttei

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Bridal Wreath Spirea. There are several different Spireas which go by this common name, but this is probably the one most often referred to. Similar in appearance to S. cantoniensis, but the white flower clusters which line its arching branches have single flowers, rather than the double ones of Reeves Spirea. It flowers just a week or so later than S. cantoniensis and as a result, this usually prevents late frost damage. The foliage has a soft blue-green appearance. As with most arching cane Spireas, prune out a third of the old canes all the way to the ground right after flowering to induce more succulent new growth which will induce better flowering the following spring.

Zones 3-9