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Hydrangea aspera ssp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'
Hydrangea aspera ssp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'
Hydrangea aspera ssp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'
Hydrangea aspera ssp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'

Hydrangea aspera ssp. strigosa 'Golden Needle'

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Golden Needle Hydrangea. As far as I know this is the only "mophead" type bloom with this species. It was found by great plantsman and friend, Ozzie Johnson of Marietta, GA. The cultivar name has nothing to do with the flower but is named for the Karst with the name of the "Golden Needle" on a collection trip that he and other plantsmen took to Sichuan, China. It is quite easy to grow, giving it filtered sun. Mine is in morning sun and afternoon shade makes a dramatic statement in mid summer for me. As with all Hydrangea asperas, the leaves are quite hairy on their upper surface, which  is a great contrast to the more familiar big-leaf Hydrangeas, Hydrangea macrophylla. 

Zones 7-9