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Fatsia japonica ‘Spider Web’
Fatsia japonica ‘Spider Web’

Fatsia japonica ‘Spider Web’

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Spider Web Fatsia. This Fatsia has a reticulated type of variegation with white veins and green interveinal areas. It displays its best variegation in soils with lower fertility. High nitrogen turns leaves totally green, suppressing its variegation. This cultivar is dramatic when grown under proper conditions. In Japan there is a "seed strain" called 'Tsumugi Shibori’ which comes fairly true from seed and is rarely grown from cuttings. In their book "Variegated Plants in Color" (1998), Dr. Masato Yokoi and Yoshimichi Hirose gave it the name 'Spider Web.' .  If one looks at the Japanese name 'Tsumugi Shibori,' it breaks down to “Tsumugi”, a prefecture famous for cloth production, and “shibori” which is basically “tye-dyed”.  All of our plants are grown from cuttings from a superior selection of the seed strain. Again, it makes a great container plant or a good shade landscape specimen.

Zones 7b-10