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Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'
Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'

Berberis triacanthophora 'Cally Rose'

Regular price $28.00 Sale

Cally Rose Three-spined Barberry. First introduced to America by Far Reaches Farm of the state of Washington, and they say: "Fantastic Barberry from extraordinary plantsman Michael Wickenden of Cally Gardens in Scotland."  One might not think of this genus as having an elegant member, but this compact gem is probably the smallest species of the evergreen barberries. The flowers are totally captivating with their pink sepals enclosing central cream-white petals with a genus that normally has yellow flowers. The first picture is compliments of Matthew Pottage, Head of Horticulture Landscape Strategy for The Royal Parks, London, who said: "I'm not often stopped in my tracks by Berberis, but it happened at the Royal Horticulture Society Chelsea Show" (the world's premiere annual horticultural extravaganza). As the plant ages, the flowers will become much more numerous and showy. The species "triacanthophora" means "three thorns", alluding to its extremely fine three spines at each node. This plant makes a charming evergreen mound which performs superbly in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. The last picture is the approximate size that we are shipping. 

Zones 5-8