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Berberis jamesiana
Berberis jamesiana
Berberis jamesiana
Berberis jamesiana
Berberis jamesiana

Berberis jamesiana

Regular price $24.00 Sale

James Barberry. Not a very auspicious name for what I consider is quite an elegant plant. I would prefer "Elegant Barberry." I first saw this selection at Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC and it was in full flower at the time with elegant panicles of yellow flowers hanging from almost every node. It wasn't time to take cuttings, so I tried to plan a trip when cutting wood would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the previous winter they transplanted their specimen and it was lost. When speaking at a Lily Conference in July, 2018 near Seattle, WA I saw a specimen at Far Reaches Farm in Kingston. I was transfixed because their specimen was in full fruit with salmon-pink fruit hanging from its pendulous branches. Fortunately they had one plant available. Since then I was able to propagate a few. I saw references to it being only a zone 7 hardiness, but Dr. Donglin Zhang from UGA assured me that it would grow in Maine. It makes a multi-stem shrub of 7-8'. 

Zones 5-8