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Itea yunnanensis
Itea yunnanensis
Itea yunnanensis
Itea yunnanensis

Itea yunnanensis

Regular price $24.00 Sale

Yunnan Itea. To my knowledge, this species has the largest leaves of the genus Itea and can be from 4-5" long by 2" wide, dark green and glabrous. It is found in China from 300-10,000' elevation in the provinces of . Guangxi, Guizhou, SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, and Yunnan in a mixed forest of broadleaf and coniferous species. It has a graceful weeping form with terminal flowering racemes of 6-8". Ours  appear to be the blushest of pinks. Whether this is clonal, I do not know or maybe it is even environmentally induced. This is another one of those great plants shared with me by Dr. J.C. Raulston.

Zones 7b-9