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Lonicera sempervirens 'Magnifica'

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Magnificent Native  Honeysuckle or Woodbine. The Woodbines are among the very finest of our native vines. They are so unpretentious as to clamber all over their neighbors without offending them. Another characteristic which endears them to me is that they can be found flowering in every month. No, you won't find them covering themselves in blooms in January, but a stray flower here or there at that time of year is more than welcome. 'Magnificum' has orangish-red 2" long flowers with yellowish on the interior, and its best claim to fame is its remontant flowering characteristics. Keeping this plant well fed and watered will insure a constant supply of flowers throughout the growing season. They do well in sun or shade and I have seen them growing in the wild here on some of the poorest soils imaginable draping themselves from Turkey Oaks and Sparkleberries. They are also great hummingbird attractors as well. Normally evergreen here in zone 8, further north they may be deciduous. 

Zones 4-9