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Selaginella braunii
Selaginella braunii
Selaginella braunii
Selaginella braunii

Selaginella braunii

Regular price $14.00 Sale

Arborvitae Fern. This plant is not a true fern at all but is a wonderful herbaceous perennial for shade to part sun. It clumps and its ferny-like foliage makes an incredible groundcover. It makes a great companion plant for all of the Solomon Seals (Polygonatums), Disporums and Dispropsis as well as Hostas, because it likes the same conditions as well as giving a great textural contrast in form and foliage. It works beautifully as a container plant in a hanging basket or pot, as well as a good subject for terrariums. The last picture is of a 1 quart container.

Zones 7-10