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Reineckea carnea 'Jinfo Jewel'
Reineckea carnea 'Jinfo Jewel'

Reineckea carnea 'Jinfo Jewel'

Regular price $15.00 Sale

Jinfo Jewel Reineckea. This selection of this species was found by Kelley and Sue of Far Reaches Farms, Kingston, Washington. They say, "A distinct smaller form with wider leaves from our collection on the summit of Jinfoshan where it was growing in deep moss on top of hard limestone flanged outcrops in a miniature stone forest. We thought this might be a new subspecies but DNA says it is R. carnea. The scented pink and white flowers are much more visible in this form." With the straight species of this plant, the flowers are almost lost down in the taller leaves, but with this quaint little selection the flowers become much more visible. It grows in filtered sun to shade and makes a tough ground cover for the garden. It creeps slowly and can be easily divided. The foliar effect of the species is hard to beat, but the flowers are hidden.

Zones 7-9