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Polygonatum odoratum 'Amadokoro'
Polygonatum odoratum 'Amadokoro'
Polygonatum odoratum 'Amadokoro'

Polygonatum odoratum 'Amadokoro'

Regular price $36.00 Sale

Amadokoro Solomon's Seal. We were initially calling this selection 'Kayaba Nishiki', but I have since identified it as 'Amadokoro.' I first found this incredible Solomon's Seal in Japan in a small specialty nursery in 2004. The most unusual aspect of this establishment was that it had a large collections of live raptors: hawks, eagles and owls, sitting all over the nursery. Some were in cages and others were just tethered to their perches. When I first saw a single stem plant of this selection in a 6" pot with its over-sized white margins, I was afraid to ask the price. It was over $300.00 U.S. currency. But I never regretted purchasing it at all. (You see. I don't play golf and I don't fish.) This cultivar is truly "awesome!" That word is not overused when referring to this selection. There are I think about four similar selections on the market with the wide white margins similar to 'Amadokoro' and all are quite impressive. As a matter of fact, a couple of these are patented. It is a fairly good divider or multiplier as well and I have never seen any reversions on it. When dividing down to a single bud and rhizome portion, I will have three buds the following year. So each year I have been able to multiply about three fold. The culture of this selection is the same as with other species of this genus: part shade, good drainage with uniform moisture. The bell-like white flowers are typical of the species. 

Zones 5-9