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Ophiopogon intermedius 'Argenteomarginatus'
Ophiopogon intermedius 'Argenteomarginatus'
Ophiopogon intermedius 'Argenteomarginatus'

Ophiopogon intermedius 'Argenteomarginatus'

Regular price $16.00 Sale

Aztec Grass. I hope that this is the final time that I will change the botanical name of this selection. It has gone by so many different epithets that it is impossible to catalog. This is one of the best variegated grasses for the Deep South. It has a pure white variegation (in comparison the Liriope muscari 'Variegata' which is a cream-yellow), with probably four fifths white to one fifth green. Some think that this grass is not very cold hardy, since the foliage is killed back when it reaches the teens, but this is not the case. The crown is completely cold hardy and it will quickly revive in the spring when temperatures begin to rise. This is one of those great deep shade plants which will lighten up the dark corner or also ideal for full sun. In July and August it begins to put up spikes of white flowers.  The one advantage of the genus Ophiopogon over Liriope is that Ophiopogon is not susceptible to the fungus leaf spotting that afflicts Liriope in the winter. Another difference between the two genera is that the genus Ophiopogon produces white flowers only.

Zones 7b-11