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Liriope muscari 'Cassidy' PP16215
Liriope muscari 'Cassidy' PP16215
Liriope muscari 'Cassidy' PP16215

Liriope muscari 'Cassidy' PP16215

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Cassidy Liriope. This incredible cultivar of Liriope was first discovered in Puerto Rica. Most Liriopes in the South are used as evergreen ground covers, with their shiny green grassy-like leaves which will grow in full sun to dense shade. One is rewarded with spikes of purplish-lavender flowers in midsummer emerging from the foliage. But this selection is distinct enough to even use as a pot plant. The leaves are twisty and curly and hang in graceful tresses over the sides of its pot. 

Right now the plants that we will ship look like the regular Liriope with the typical flat leaves of the species. The leaves on this selection are completely unique to all Liriopes in that they continue to grow, and as they continue to grow they begin to twist and curl. Frankly, I would suggest that one move your plant inside in the fall when the temperatures go below 40°F (if they are outside), so that the lengthening leaves will not be interfered with. If kept at room temperature throughout the winter, one will continue to get leaf growth and lengthening of its curly leaves.

About the only problem that we have ever had with Liriopes are rabbits nibbling at the succulent leaves during the winter when very little green foliage can be found in the wild down at ground level. This is a true winner! But it is not cold hardy like most Liriopes, so if your plant is outside, I would move it indoors when it is going to get to 40°F or below. 

Zones 9b-11