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Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'
Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'
Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'

Drimiopsis maculata 'Slow Fade'

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Slow Fade African Hosta. This is a new selection of this species found in 2002 at a plant market in Thailand by Wade Roitsch of Yucca Do Nurseries in Texas at the Chatuchak plant market there. The leaves appeared to be larger and the burgundy spotting on its foliage remained longer in our southern heat than the species. Each clump is topped in late spring and early summer with small hyacinth-like white flower heads. It seems to be happiest when grown in semi-shade with adequate moisture, even though at Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, they are growing in full sun on the berm with the Agaves. So far deer have left them alone, but it may be that they are to lazy to bend over that far.

Zones 7-10