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Drimiopsis maculata 'Indonesian Variegated'
Drimiopsis maculata 'Indonesian Variegated'
Drimiopsis maculata 'Indonesian Variegated'

Drimiopsis maculata 'Indonesian Variegated'

Regular price $50.00 Sale

Indonesian Variegated African Hosta. This exquisite new cultivar of this South African native bulb is the most striking of all in this species. The white banded variegation really sets each leaf apart. It must be propagated by division rather than leaf cuttings as with the species. Even then, one may notice a few all green off-sets. These can be easily removed when dividing one's plant. This selection makes an outstanding house plant in climates where it is too cold to over-winter in the ground. When flowering in the spring one will usually have 14-16" spikes of white flowers, typical of the species. Grow outdoors in filtered sun or morning sun and afternoon shade. Mine have also grown well indoors under lights with my African violets. I have seen other cultivars of this species do well in zone 7b, where there is a light covering of mulch to keep the ground from freezing. The last picture is the size of plant that you will receive. Limited supply.

Zones 7b-10