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Crinum 'Super Ellen'
Crinum 'Super Ellen'
Crinum 'Super Ellen'

Crinum 'Super Ellen'

Regular price $45.00 Sale

Super Ellen Crinum. This has to be one of the most magnificent of Crinums that one will ever see as far as size is concerned. Some have called this a "Crinum on steroids." It was developed by Tom Perry by crossing Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' and Crinum bulbispermum. The flowers are a magenta-red on top of a 6 ft. stalk with leaves which can reach up to 7 ft. long (not high). It is not one of the more prolific "dividers", so one may want to split bulbs with a sharp kitchen knife if more offspring are desired. Best flowering is in full sun with good drainage. Another plus with this genus is that we have never had deer browse any of the Crinums, and believe me, we do have deer. The second and third pictures are complements of Jay Yourch.

Zones 7-10