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Chelonopsis 'Stonewall Pink'
Chelonopsis 'Stonewall Pink'

Chelonopsis 'Stonewall Pink'

Regular price $18.00 Sale

Stonewall Pink Chelonopsis. I have always been intrigued by this genus and have brought a number of selections back from Japan, but none of them ever performed satisfactory in our Deep South heat. But this selection was introduced by Issima Plants, and It is a cross between a white flowered form of C. moschata and C. yagiharana. We have grown C. yagiharana before, but this selection is far superior with more vigor and larger flowers. It has 3 ft. black stems which are adorned at almost every node with lavender-pink tubes, somewhat resembling a foxglove. It is ideal in filtered sun with uniform moisture. Here in the Deep South we get the first flush of flowers in May, and if one wants more, then prune back and one will get another flush of blooms later in the summer. I know that it will grow well in zones 5-8 and maybe even as far south as zone 9.

Zones 5-9