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Carex morrowii 'Tora Fu'
Carex morrowii 'Tora Fu'

Carex morrowii 'Tora Fu'

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Tora Fu Carex. This is a new cultivar which I have never seen offered in America before. We first saw this Carex at Mr. Yuji Suzuki's nursery in Kawaguchi City, just outside of Tokyo, Japan. He's one of our favorite stops, and he is responsible for developing many new cultivars of Loropetalum. The long flowing leaves of this cultivar have alternating bands of cream-white and green, with each band being 3-4 in. long alternating down the full length of the leaves, which are easily 14-18 in. long. Now that we have finally conquered the propagation of it, you will love this stunning new Carex. The leaves emerge as green, and then as they age they start developing the unusual variegation. This species slowly divides into a nice tight evergreen clump. It does not spread by running. We are guessing at its cold hardiness because the parent species Carex morrowii occurs on forested slopes in Japan’s volcanic Izu Islands. It may be even more cold-hardy than we suspect.

Zones 6-9