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Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Sun Corona)
Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Sun Corona)
Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Sun Corona)
Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Sun Corona)

Boehmeria nipononivea 'Nichirin' (Sun Corona)

Regular price $22.00 Sale

Nichirin (Sun Corona) Boehmeria. I had originally thought of this plant as a shade perennial, but after visiting Moore Farms Botanical Garden in Lake City, SC, it was being grown in practically full sun and it was thriving. Much more vigorous than part shade. It gets to about 24" tall and wide and sports irregular wide white margins to all of its leaves. The flowers are non-showy racemes in the axils of its leaves in the fall. The cultivar name Japanese cultivar name means 'Nichirin' means "sun corona." I found this selection was found in a small Japanese specialty nursery in Japan without knowing the species. I asked Dr. Yokoi if he could identify the plant, and when he looked it up in one of his references he replied in his definitive Japanese accent, "A weed in most places I think." Of course he was speaking of the species and we have found that it has never spread outside of its tight clump, and we have never noticed any seeding as well. This makes for a stunning shade perennial. As well as I can determine, most species in this genus are dioecious, meaning that they are separate male and female plants. 

Zones 6-9