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Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder'
Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder'

Agapanthus 'Blue Yonder'

Regular price $16.00 Sale

Blue Yonder Lily-of-the-Nile'. This selection is described by Ag 3 tissue culture nursery as, "Dense, showy clusters of intense cobalt-blue star flowers sit on long, sturdy stems over narrow green strap leaves. Blooms are self-cleaning, starting after the last spring frost, on this cold hardy introduction from Beyond Green LLC." It flowers from July to September on 3' stalks with cobalt blue flowers. So many times I have gardeners say that their Agapanthus don't flower any longer. Always remember they are native to South Africa and like a highly calciferous soil, so lime them plenty each year along with a good fertilizer. It is said to be one of the most cold hardy of all Agapanthus, even to zone 5.

Zones 5-9