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Camellia japonica 'Unryu'

Camellia japonica 'Unryu'

Regular price $35.00 Sale

Contorted Japanese Camellia. 'Unryu' is the cultivar name given to most contorted growing plants in Japan. And with this cultivar, the stems grow in a "contorted" or curly fashion. The flower is not spectacular being a single red with yellow stamens and about three inches across. It is always a conversation piece in the garden. One should prune it selectively to expose its contortions. As with most Camellias, it is happiest in filtered sun in a well drained soil. Once established, Camellias can be one of the most drought tolerant plants in the landscape. I suppose that because of the thick cuticle layer of its leaves, it looses less moisture than most other plants.

Zones 7-9