Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies'
Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies'
Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies'
Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies'

Mahonia media 'Arthur Menzies'

Regular price $40.00 Sale

A hybrid between M. lomariifolia and M. japonica, this is one of the several hybrid Mahonias which have an impressive winter inflorescence of multiple 12 to 15" spikes of brilliant, golden-yellow flowers followed by hanging clusters of blue berries in late winter and spring. Flowering from mid November to late December. Leaves are just as eye-catching, up to 24" long with up to 37 leaflets, making this shrub one of the more fascinating winter features of a shade garden. Its architectural form makes this a great accent plant or a good subject for massing. Enough good things cannot be said for the plants in this hybrid grouping.